Toddler’s Oral Health

A journey to train your toddler for tooth brushing

Even though the toddlers have fewer teeth, it is much important to brush them twice in a day.

Just like adults, Firstly in the morning, after waking up and Second and the most important time to brush is at night, before bedtime which certainly, alot of people don’t give much focus to it.

Before I continue further, If your child is teething and if you are planning to or already using teething gel or any over-the-counter drug then beware! Click here

When to start oral care and brushing?

You can start cleaning your baby’s gums and tongue anytime soon. But at first, you will not require a brush and paste. Instead you can start cleaning gently with a soft washcloth, gauze or finger toothbrush.

Many parents do not give much attention to the baby’s teeth assuming that they will anyway replace by the permanent ones. That is where the thought goes wrong.

  • Initiate with cleaning your baby’s gums twice a day.
  • As soon as your child’s first tooth has erupted and poked enough out, clean them gently with the help of finger brush or gauze pad.

Why is it important to brush before bedtime?

It is important as everytime after meal, the bacteria that naturally resides in our mouth, feasts on the food that we eat. Just like other living organisms, these bacteria excrete wastes after a meal. As this wastes are highly acidic in nature and breaks down tooth enamel, causing root decay and cavities.

How to train children brushing their own teeth?

  • Sing a song or rhymes about brushing, to promote and make them more excited about the activity.
  • Allow them to choose the toothbrush while shopping, that features their favourite character, colour etcetera (My daughter totally enjoys this part 🙂) to create an excitement for brushing.
  • Toddlers are great at imitating what they notice. Allow them to see you while you brush your own teeth, or you both can brush together. This will help them to understand and learn proper brushing techniques.
  • Even once they start brushing by themselves, monitor them and lastly, you brush them for proper and assured cleaning.

When can my child brush independently?

Their is no certain age by when a child must be ready to brush their own teeth independently. Every child is different, and the ability when a child is able to brush their teeth effectively will vary. According to the research, the children tend to pick up this skill around their preschool years and sometimes it goes till the age of six years.

Toddlers and Multivitamins 💊

Is it a good idea to add Multivitamins to your child’s diet?

It may come as a surprise to know that experts have not come into an official agreement till date on if Multivitamins are  required for toddlers. Infact, the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) claims that the majority of children don’t need the supplements if they have well balanced diet, because most of the foods that they consume are already fortified, and advises only giving children supplement if recommended by a doctor.

Reasons behind a toddler needing Multivitamins.

Toddlers with dietary restrictions, like those who follow vegetarian or vegan diets would benefit from the added nutrients found in Multivitamins. Also, those who are lactose-intolerent or anemic would benefit from supplements prescribed by their Pediatrician. 


  • Multivitamins can be helpful and beneficial to those children who are particularly picky or fussy eater.
  • Toddlers with dietary restrictions, like those who follow vegetarian or vegan diets will also benefit from the riboflavin, calcium and iron found in a Multivitamin.
  • Toddlers who are lactose-intolerent, a Multivitamin will help them in  providing additional calcium and vitamin D, which otherwise would receive through dairy products.
  • Toddlers who are anemic, would be recommended an Iron supplement. 


“Too much of a good thing can end up being a bad thing.” 

The human body is more capable to absorb nutrients effectively from food than absorbing nutrients from supplements, so major importance should be given to a well-balanced and healthy diet for your children instead of unhealthy and junk food. Also, the Multivitamins should not be considered as a replacement to a well-balanced diet. 

Disclaimer: Do not start any supplements for your child without your doctor’s consent.

Any related experiences, Kindly share in the comments below!

Home Remedies for Cold And Cough

Are you looking for remedies for Cold and Cough in kids?

Are you looking for remedies for Cold and Cough?

Struggling to find any other cold and cough remedies to avoid heavy dosage of antibiotics and its adverse side effects?

Are you interested in trying your hand on home remedies for yourself and your children (including babies).

Well, Here we go.

As we experience some weather transition currently in Kuwait, everyone including the children are affected and are down with flu.

Every single member in my house was affected at the same time including my daughter. That is one terrible moment for me when I face great difficulties in looking after her as she barely eats, drinks or sleeps peacefully. But poor she, thats how she can explain her discomfort. As I am a breastfeeding mum, breastfeeding definitely helps her soothing the most in such conditions.

Mostly, babies are barely prescribed with any medication. So that made me come up with an idea of writing a post on this subject where I can share some easy methods of bidding adeau to cold and cough by some home remedies which is simple, free from side effects, and totally inexpensive to soothe their discomfort.


Everthought Why do mommies turn to home remedies for tackling minor health problems? The main reason – It is not made of harmless chemicals!

So let us take a look at some home remedies that can bring down their discomfort and ensure a fast recovery.
Babies upto 6 months

  1. Breastmilk
  2. Nasal Saline Drops
  3. Garlic and Carom seeds Pouch
  4. Mustard oil infused with Garlic and Carom seeds Massage
  5. Humidifier
  6. Nasal aspirator or Bulb Syringe
  7. Washing and Sanitising Hands

Babies from 6-12 months

  1. Balm and Vaporub for baby.
  2. Warm water with Carom or Cumin seeds.
  3. Soups
  4. Eucalyptus oil
  5. Steam

Toddlers: One year and above

  1. Honey and Ginger juice
  2. Turmeric Milk
  3. Ginger and Tulsi mix
  4. Saffron and Clove with milk
  5. Dry Ginger Coffee or Chukku Kappi


1. Breast milk

Breastmilk is a wonder drink. It is also referred as ‘Golden milk’. So babies under 6 months do not need any other medication other than breast milk during cold and cough to fight off the virus and bacteria. Besides feeding some people also use it as a nasal drop for young babies. Due to its active antibodies breastmilk helps fighting minor health problems in babies and builds their immune system too and meanwhile keeps them hydrated.

2. Nasal saline drops

The basic rule is to clean the nostrils gently and then to put the drops in. Keep the head tilted so that the medicine doesn’t flow out.

This is most commonly prescribed by any paediatrician or physician for babies during cold and cough.

‘Ocean spray’ are anyway suggested to be used regularly for babies to keep bacteria or virus at bay and for regular nose cleaning in babies and toddlers.

3. Garlic and Carom Seeds Pouch

Garlic and Carom seeds (ajwain) pouch are known for its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. A very common and well known remedy used since the grandma’s ages.

To make this pouch you will need 3 things – garlic, carom seeds and a clean muslin cloth.

First, Dry roast 2 big cloves of garlic and then add & roast 1 tablespoon of carom seeds on a frying pan. Let it cool and once cooled make it into a tight pouch (also called ‘potli’). You can make one with a clean muslin cloth.

Place this potli in the baby cot or cradle where baby sleeps. The strong smell of garlic and carom seed helps to open up the blocked nose and provides relief from congestion. It acts pretty much like an inhaler in babies.

P.S. – Note that this pouch should not be kept very close to the baby, as due to it’s very strong smell, babies get irrrited sometimes, so make sure to keep it at least 10 inches away from babies.

The pouch can also be used to rub on babies feet and hands to keep them warm. This method too is effective.

4. Mustard oil infused with Garlic and Carom seeds massage.

Take about ¼ cup of mustard oil and heat it. Take one or two garlic cloves. Crush them lightly and then chop them up. Add them to the mustard oil. Wait till it turns brown.

Remember, only till it turn brown, don’t let it burn. You can use this oil and massage your baby’s chest and soles of the feet. Make him/her wear socks.

A pinch of carom seeds (ajwain) can also be added for better results. Add it while heating the oil. Like the garlic, don’t let it go black.

Mustard oil, garlic and carom seeds have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Apart from that mustard oil has a warming effect which helps with the congestion. It helps to give your baby a much needed relief.

Caution: No intake of oils or herbal medicines are encouraged for babies.

5. Humidifier

Humidifier can help by reducing the dryness in the air which aids in breathing easier when the nose is blocked. This method is helpful for all the age groups.

If there is no humidifier available, then you can follow this technique: Take your baby to the bathroom and turn on a warm water shower. Do not stand under the shower. The vapor generated due to warm water will ease in breathing. This acts as good as humidifier and helps in easy breathing. Yet, it is always advisable to use humidifier as you will get the benefit as long as possible.

6. Nasal Aspirator or Bulb Syringe:

This tool greatly helps in cleaning your little one’s mucus or stuffy nose.

7. Washing and Sanitising hands

It is very important to wash or sanitise yours and babies hands regularly with the sanitising wipes or hand sanitising gel to control the spread of germs. As we meet or touch innumerable people, items etc which might be under the effect of flu and germs, washing and sanitising helps in controlling and prevents in exchanging the germs.


All of the above remedies under 6months can also be used for above 6 months too.

Besides the remedies mentioned above, the following remedies can also be added to counter the flu and congestion.

8. Balm and Vaporub for baby.

Apply the balm on babies chest, back and feet and cover the areas. I apply a bit under my daughters nose too when it is blocked so that she inhales the smell which helps in relieving from congestion.

Majority of moms swears by this remedy for cold and cough.

It is highly suggested to avoid using balms on babies which are meant for adults. Always read the instructions and age groups before buying any product. It is highly recommended to use baby vaporubs only, for your little ones.
Product courtesy: Fitobalm (meant for babies).


9. Warm water with Carom or Cumin seeds.

Give warm water at regular intervals to keep your baby well hydrated. You can add carom or cumin seeds to the water.

Boil 1 glass of water in a stainless steel vessel. Add a pinch of these seeds and give it a boil, turn off the stove immediately. This concoction should be given (luke) warm for better results.

10. Soups

Soups are excellent comfort food during cold and cough. You can give your baby tomato soup or mixed vegetable soup. You can try Chicken soup if non-vegetarian foods have already been introduced to your baby. Hence, generally it is adviced to start non-veg food once the baby is a year old, for better digestion.

These soups increase the immunity of the body. It will help to ensure that they have enough strength that will help them to fight the illness.

11. Eucalyptus oil

Take a cotton and dip it in some Eucalyptus Oil. Place it in your baby’s cot close to your baby (make sure it is out of baby’s reach, as there is a risk of baby taking it in mouth). You can also add few drops in your humidifier or air diffuser.

12. Steam

You can try this method under warm shower and can add in Vaporub or Eucalyptus oil to it for extra relief. This helps in loosening or melting the congestion in your respiratory tract and makes it easier to breath.

You can also use the other methods of steaming. For instance, Heat a frying pan/iron. Take a napkin and warm it by placing it on the pan/iron. Once the napkin is warm enough (ensure that the napkin is not too hot for yoir baby), dab it on your babies chest, back and feet. Make sure you dab not more than twice or thrice on your baby.

This method has highly helped my daughter to gain relief.


All the remedies mentioned above can be followed for the toddlers. Besides the remedies mentioned above, the following remedies can also be added.

13. Honey and Ginger juice.

Honey is an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent. Honey is safe for a 12months old baby to consume. This remedy greatly helps to control the consistent cough for both babies and adults. It helps to soothe the irritation causing in the throat.

Take 1 teaspoon of Honey and add small amount of ginger juice to it. Give it to your little one twice a day.

This can be a great substitute to a cough syrup in babies and it does wonders.

14. Turmeric Milk

Turmeric milk is an age old and famous Indian home remedy to soothe cough for both babies and adults. Although, it is more effective on dry coughs.

Add in turmeric to warm milk and feed your baby before sleeping at night. As turmeric will help in fighting against cough and delivers fast relief, meantime warm milk will help in getting undisturbed sleep.

15. Ginger and Tulsi mix

Crush both ginger and tulsi to extract the juice. Add honey and give to your toddler. This helps in soothing the throat and provides relief.

16. Saffron and clove with milk.

Crush the clove. Add the crushed cloves and strands of saffron to 1 tablespoon of boiled milk. Give it to your little one once in a day.

17. Dry Ginger coffee or Chukku Kappi

Dry ginger coffee or chukku kaapi, a phenomenon drink that does wonders against Cold and Cough. It is widely used in South Indian regions as a remedy against Cold and cough. It genuinely works best for adults too. If treated earlier with the help of Chukku Kappi, no medicine will be required at all.

If you are doubtful about using coffee, and want to avoid caffeine from your baby’s diet, this can be made without the use of coffee too. Recipe is given below.

For the people in Kuwait, Chukku kappi is now also available in the market. An instant coffee by Nilamel’s will be available in any South Indian Store with price worth KD 0.550/-



  • Ginger slices – 2
  • Tulsi leaves – 2
  • Pepper corns – 2
  • Cardamom – 2
  • Cloves – 2
  • Jaggery or jaggery powder – 1 tablespoon
  • Water – 1 cup


Boil water with all the ingredients mentioned. Strain and give this concoction for quick relief. This drink is effective against even the toughest of colds. It is best suggested to drink Hot.

Each and every ingredient in this drink is known for its abilities to fight cold and cough.

Moms, do tell us about other home remedies for cold and cough in babies that you tried, in the comment section below.